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You Will All Die

Yon Povi's cavalier attitude about death

As I've said before this is me paraphrasing Yon Povi' with her approval...

Since people are paying attention, YP thinks it's time to tell humans they have a great misunderstanding about death

How the hell do you expect to grab every banana if under the surface you're always worried that the person you know as yourself will be suddenly and irrevocably annihilated?

Death as the humans understand it doesn't exist and the fear of it is used as a tool to keep them in line. This social conditioning causes distortions in the human emotional guidance system and therefore in human value systems.

Transition/death is a time of great relief and experiences of bliss for most humans immediately. For some there is a "lag" due to the mind's conditioning as it adjusts to it's new, or rather forgotten place of origin.

These are those who have lived in and perpetuated extreme fear of death and judgement or who have purposefully interfered in the free will of other humans. Still, even they will have a "swift" period of adjustment, in this timeless place/state of unconditionality.

To state it in the simplest way possible, we all return to blissful non physical forms retaining our individuality within complete unity.

Many humans die briefly and come back to tell us about it.

The ones who had hellish experiences came back before they oriented to their new/forgotten surroundings They had been so culturally conditioned to the concept of a vengeful god, that they couldn't come into the fullness of the experience in their disorientation.

Had they stayed they would have been escorted into a new and beautiful awareness and experience of oneness. Still these are the exception with many returning with joy filled messages.

I really like Ray

If you are a scientifically oriented person here is a neurosurgeon talking about what happened to him.

Think about it, what do you really believe about death and why?

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