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Forrest Fenn and Venus

Venus in Forrest Fenn’s Birth Chart

Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.

Forrest’s Venus is in Libra

Forrest is kind, even handed and willing to work on the relationships he values.

His polished manner in love can make him appear insincere or superficial, be assured he is not.

He is gentle and hates to be offended.

He doesn’t care for bad manners or abrasive expression of feelings.

Forrest may often seek the middle ground in his relationships.

He treats people fairly and is accommodating.

He may become quietly resentful if he feels he is being taken advantage of.

Forrest is pleased with kind and fair behavior.

Forrest loves to share.

Forrest’s Venus is in His Eleventh House

Forrest’s professional life is in great part due to his good relationships, friends or patrons.

His Love must foremost be his friend.

He focuses on the unique qualities of people.

His relationships must possess some kind of unconventional element in order to keep his interest levels high.

Forrest values friendships and group affiliations highly, his friends may be women.

Forrest's Venus is Square His Jupiter

Forrest is nonchalant, and perhaps may seem pretentious or self-important.

He likes what is beautiful and sometimes ostentatious, perhaps spending money too quickly at times.

He likes to please.

He take things to excess, which sometimes interferes with a smooth flow.

He is bighearted and warm, with an open heart and tendency to want to give a lot to the people he loves.

He can have some problems with following through on his promises, however, not because of ill intent, but because he sometimes wants to do more than is possible.

He needs to be cautious about the tendency to be overly optimistic or overly protective.

Forrest may have been challenged by moderation throughout his life.

Forrest’s Venus is in Opposition to His Uranus

Forrest's relationships are generally unconventional.

He prefers novelty, adventure and the eccentric.

He may seem frivolous, unstable, or inconstant at times.

Forrest has a tendency to react spontaneously and intensely to others.

His most successful relationships are unconventional ones.

He delights in defying convention.

He has considerable romantic charm and humor.

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